Rinse, repeat

I am slightly amused by the jubilation within the Democratic party over its victories yesterday.  I hear the declarations of the importance of the shift in power, and I hear the Democratic vows of a cleaner, better government … and I think back to the mid-90s, when the Republican party gained power and made grand declarations concerning the shift of power and its intentions of a cleaner, better government.

Now, in 2006, that momentum has switched parties yet again, and it’s safe to say this won’t be the last change of power.  Perhaps this is mildly cynical, but after some time with the power in Washington, the Democratic party will do something to fall out of favor with voters, and there will be another shift.  And, since the United States has only two viable parties, the shift will hand power back to the Republican party.

At that point, just change the year and reverse the parties in the previous paragraph.