This, that, and the other

You may have noticed a paucity of photography on this blog as of late. There’s one very good reason for that: I haven’t been taking many photos. Believe me, it’s a vacation I didn’t plan.

I could write countless paragraphs about this situation, but that wouldn’t necessarily be productive, and you’d get bored. So, stong shory lort, when it comes to the newspaper right now I have the choice of either working for free or working almost not at all. (I may get bits and pieces of work.) Since I can’t buy/fix/replace camera gear and pay bills with photo credits and hearty compliments, I’ve elected for the latter in the hopes that the ideal third choice — getting paid for work — will return at some point. (PLUG: you can hire me to take pictures of stuff.) In the meantime…

…well, you might get an odd hodgepodge of content here, or you might not get much of anything. I’m not really sure what’s going to happen with the blog while I’m not getting much work. Keep an eye out. This could be fun.

The other day I dug up some rolls of film from the days I was shooting film. Here, go ahead and enjoy some never-before-blogged photos from my film era.

Okay, so I didn’t take that one. Whatever. It was my camera. That’s me in Switzerland back in 2003.

I suspect I took that photo shortly after the Switzerland photo, mostly because I bought that chess set on that trip. No, I don’t play chess. Why did I buy the set? Who knows. Probably the same reason I took the photo: because it looks cool. Don’t judge me.

I took a trip to St. Louis with a couple friends. We decided to go up in the arch in the evening. The arch in the evening: a very good idea.