In response to my recent post about prices listed in fractions of cents (Frennies from heaven, 13 February), Phoebe posed a question:
Why is it that gas stations are the only ones to charge a fraction? How did that get started and why does it continue?
Yahoo made an attempt to answer that very question, but they found no concrete explanation; “Theories abound, but none are definitive,” they say. But they don’t leave us high and dry; they do helpfully list the theories, and it seems most believe it is simply a marketing gimmick.
(Most interestingly, they do note that Canadian gas stations do the same, but with a twist: Canadian stations don’t always end their prices with .9.)
I hope that provides you some peace of mind.
Generally there comes a point in your life when “FUN” no longer signifies tavern moving, clubbing, getting out and about until 4am or consuming an excessive amount of. This means videos, going out for family cuisine, bed time tales, and asleep from 8pm.