We wish you a nutritious Christmas

Just so you know: if you are on the elder Strongs’ Christmas card list and would like to wait to see this year’s card until it arrives in the mail, don’t read this post.


Every year for the last few years, as a part of their longstanding tradition of distinctive homemade Christmas cards, I’ve put together a Christmas card for my parents. My previous cards have been hand-drawn creations, but don’t let that pleasant wording fool you; my talents do not lie in the venue of handmade artwork, so the cards have been potentially worthwhile concepts hindered by marginal execution.

This year, thanks both to my greatly increased comfort with digital design (previous comfort level: effectively nonexistent) and to a card concept that deserved more than my subpar artistic skills, I fled the handmade realm and put together the card in Photoshop. (My Photoshop ability is still minimal, but it far outpaces my real-world artistic ability.) The digital design means not only that the card looks better, but also that I can easily post it here.

So, without further ado, here is the 2007 Stronghold Christmas card.


