Newspaper shoot: The Great Chelsea Shopping Center Fire (5 May 2008).
Two weeks ago, I was sitting at home processing pictures when I heard sirens in Chelsea. Normally I don’t pay much attention to sirens in town, but this was different: there were more sirens than normal, and they just seemed to keep going. Eventually, when I remembered to turn on my cell phone, I found out what had happened: the Chelsea Shopping Center caught fire, and the fire was swift and dangerous enough to prompt several other area fire departments to respond. (Apparently it was a slow news day, too, because it also prompted the Detroit media to respond.) I wasn’t able to make it to the scene while the building was on fire, but I was able to get a few worthwhile shots of the damage.
The fire never broke through the roof, but smoke and water damaged seven businesses (one of which managed to reopen the next day!). The cause of the fire appears to have been an electrical malfunction.
Most importantly, nobody was injured.