We interrupt this sport to bring you more scoring

My anger burns with the fire of a thousand Bob Knights:

Even folks who do follow the NHL in the United States — and there aren’t many anymore — can’t be enjoying the post-season much because, let’s face it, there hasn’t been nearly enough scoring.

One goal in 60 minutes, as was the case when the Anaheim Ducks edged the Ottawa Senators Wednesday night in the second game of the Stanley Cup final, simply doesn’t cut it.

Um … no. More scoring does not automatically make a sport better. It may help TV ratings, but please please please, let’s not confuse improved TV ratings with an improved sport. They are not necessarily the same. Low-scoring games may be a bit less TV-friendly, but that does not make them dull or unwatchable — it only makes them less TV-friendly. And as a sports fan, I certainly hope being TV-friendly is not the highest goal of sports.

Say it with me: 1-0 hockey games aren’t bad. Low scoring is not inherently bad, high-scoring is not inherently good, and sports are not at their best when they exist for the enrichment of TV networks.

(Full article.)