Park it real good

As a permit-carrying member of the Blue Wheelchair Man Group (BWMG) — I get to park in handicapped parking spots — I have an interest in the parking efforts of other members of that group.  There are times those efforts aren’t exactly stellar; recently, I came across two such efforts.  (License plates have been removed to protect the careless.)

The first was during the Future Bulldog Camp.  Since the target group of the camp can’t drive, the stadium parking lot was only sparsely populated during the sessions, which meant one particular parking job was hard to miss:

I neglected to check the rear-view mirror for a permit, so I don’t know if that was done by a member of the BWMG.  If that was an able-bodied person’s parking job … well, come on.  If you’re going to park illegally, put some effort into it.  (At least stay off the sidewalk!)

If that wasn’t enough, just the other day, I went to Showcase Cinema to see Wall-E (by the way: GO SEE IT NOW!), and in the parking spot next to mine, I saw this:

The van did have the necessary license plate to park in a handicapped parking spot, but I’m not sure that counts as being “in a handicapped parking spot”; I think it’s more “in the general area of a handicapped parking spot.”  What made it more amusing was the “How’s my driving?” bumper sticker below the license plate.

If I see more of these sorts of parking jobs in the BWMG spots, I’ll continue to post them; if you see any, feel free to send a picture to me.  I’m always up for a good laugh.