Happy gradution

As Chelsea’s graduation ceremony began last week, I was on the elevated track photographing the orchestra as it played what I thought was that infernally brief (and thus oft-repeated) graduation song, Pomp and Circumstance.  When I took a shot of the sheet music, I was startled to find that though the song sounded familiar, it was, in fact, a different song:

Photo of the Now, vol. 187

Chelsea High School held its graduation ceremony last Sunday.  Do you know what that means?  Yes, that’s right: we, the people of Chelsea, joined together to renew our hatred of Pomp & Circumstance as it was played over and over and over again.  Also, the class of 2009 graduated.

Photo of the Now, vol. 186: Ha ha ha! edition

Last Friday, Editor Terry and I visited the Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase to gather material for an upcoming story.  Upon finding the club — which is cleverly concealed in the basement of a restaurant — we watched the first show (well, I took some pictures, too); after the show, he talked to the comedians (two openers and a headliner) while I took a few more pictures.

Did I laugh?  Yes.  And since I was there on business, I’ll be able to deduct that laughter.  (No, not really.)

Still moving

If you haven’t been watching the NHL playoffs, you’ve been missing an extraordinary commercial.  Fortunately for you, I’m posting it here so you won’t continue to miss it.  The concept is a bit like Canon’s commercial, but the NHL commercial is less artificial and more emotional, and it takes the concept to a much more impressive level.

Photo of the Now, vol. 185: Memorial Day Edition

On Monday, Chelsea held its annual Memorial Day parade and ceremony to honor those who have died in service to their country.  The morning included a flyover by two A-10 Warthogs out of Selfridge.

In this photo you can see the shell being ejected from the gun; however, what you can’t see is the shell flying towards me and hitting me in the head.  Who says photography isn’t dangerous?

(Full gallery.)