Photo of the Sounds and Sights Festival Now: 29 July 2011

The festival continued into its second day. Like the last couple weeks, it was yet another very warm day. Have I mentioned how I feel about very warm weather? Here’s how I feel about very warm weather: ugh.

Q: How do you know when hot humid summer weather has worn out its welcome?
A: When it exists.

During the afternoon there was a kids zone with a variety of activities available for the younger set. As part of the kids zone, the Chelsea Area Fire Authority sent a fire truck for kids to explore.

As an aside, I like the name Chelsea Area Fire Authority. It makes me imagine a stern man dressed like a judge or a general (or something equally authoritative) very sternly telling the fire to stop its unauthorized burning at once. (As the above picture shows, CAFA is actually staffed with regular firefighters who, by the way, do an excellent job.)

Friday evening included the annual classic car show, an event that started small but has grown considerably over the last couple years.

If the C+C Music Factory had visited the car show, they would have written a song called Things That Make You Go Vroom.

There was also a small art market just off Main Street.

When I made my way into the social tent — which, if we’re going to be honest, is just a nice (if not slightly euphemistic) way of saying beer tent — I was surprised to find Roary, the mascot of the Detroit Lions.

He was busy making plenty of new friends, but he did stop to let me know he appreciated my beard. Well, he didn’t actually say those words — being a mascot, he didn’t say any words — but his gestures were positive.

Before long, the Twistin’ Tarantulas took the stage. The lead singer played the upright bass, and any band that features an upright bass is okay by me.

The guitar player looked suspiciously like the Chelsea High School girls basketball coach.

If you don’t believe me, here’s a photo of the basketball coach:

If they’re not related, they should be.

The Twistin’ Tarantulas were very energetic and a lot of fun, and not nearly as scary as you might think after seeing this photo:

To close out the evening, The Sun Messengers took the stage.

The crowd enjoyed dancing to the upbeat music of The Sun Messengers.

When the keyboard player noticed my camera, he smiled for a photo while he was playing.