Photo of the Basketball Now: 13 January 2012

Dexter hosted Ypsilanti.

Just as Skyline had a better team than Chelsea, so did Ypsi have a better team than Dexter. The game went much the same way. This photo…

…is not a photo of a Dexter layup. It’s a photo of an Ypsi block. There might have been a few of those.

The Dexter student section has been unusually sedate this year, but it had a solid presence for this game:

Dexter has a decidedly more interesting mascot than my good friends over at Skyline:

If you’re a naval buff, you might be distressed that they spelled it Dreadnaughts and not Dreadnoughts. Why did they do that? I don’t know. I’m from Chelsea, remember? We don’t understand that town over there to the east.

(Seriously, though: if you know why it’s not spelled with an O, enlighten us!)

Referees have a difficult job, and they take more unnecessary abuse from more people than even those nattily-dressed London soldiers who have to stand perfectly still no matter the absurd things tourists do. They should get more respect than they do. (Referees, I mean.) Having said that: come on, basketball referees. Stop standing in my way already.

That shot is okay, but it would’ve been doubly okay had the referee not gone all Stripey McBetterDoorThanWindow on me. I know the referees don’t base their position on the annoying photographer in the front row, but sometimes it seems like they do. Basketball referees of the world: your backs are not unusually photogenic. Please stop placing them in front of my camera. THANK YOU.