Here Be Photos: Ale have another (19 June 2012)

This fall will see the opening of a new business in Chelsea’s clocktower complex: the Chelsea Alehouse Brewery. It’ll offer beer brewed on-site, as well as a variety of sandwiches, soups, and appetizers. Oh, and live entertainment, too. In other words, it’s going to be pretty fantastic. You’ll want to go to there.

Why am I talking about the Alehouse? Because the folks in charge of the Alehouse asked me to be there to photograph the arrival of their beer tanks from Marks Design and Metalworks. (Marks is in Vancouver, WA, which is most notable for being nowhere near Vancouver, BC. Whose idea was THAT?)

The truck arrived early, but we had to wait for the forklift to arrive.

That’s where the Alehouse will be.

That’s the door through which the tanks entered the building.

Eventually the lift arrived, and the work could begin. And when the trailer was opened, Aubrey might have been a little bit excited about the tanks. Just a tiny bit. A skosh, perhaps.

That’s Chris, the head brewer, taking photos of the tanks. Here’s another look at a happy Chris:

Chris was all smiles.

Okay, EVERYBODY was all smiles.

With the unveiling complete, the unloading could start.

In the background you can see Chelsea’s iconic clocktower. Chelsea folks, if you’re still a little fuzzy on the Alehouse’s location, here’s an easy guide: it’s right next to the Teddy Bear Factory.

The lift made its way carefully toward the door…

…and just like that, the first tank was inside.

The lift set it down…

…and the crew prepared to stand it up.

Once they had the first tank upright, they had more work: there were seven more tanks to be delivered.

I think this is my favorite shot of the whole batch:

This is what it took to get the bright tanks upright:

Here are two of the four bright tanks upright, with the third just being set down:

Oh, hey, look: Marks has a good-looking logo!

After the four bright tanks were in, they brought in the fermentation vessels. These were a bit taller.

It took a bit of mechanical help to get the fermentation vessels upright.

Once the delivery work was complete, Chris took a better look at his new beer tanks.

Again, the Alehouse is planning to be open in the fall, and you’re going to want to be there. YES YOU ARE. Don’t argue. Just be there.

Oh, and one last thing: if you’re really excited about the Alehouse, you can become a founding member! In fact, you probably ought to go do that now while you’re thinking about it. No, don’t wait. Waiting is for squares. Don’t be a square. (If you’re determined to be a shape, be a heptagon. Everyone knows those are the coolest cats.)