Sounds & Sights: 18 July 2013

Sounds & Sights continued with a pretty good crowd despite the heat and humidity. Seven Bridges was on the library lawn.

The Whiskey Charmers were on East Middle.

Bill Grogan’s Goat was at the Sylvan Courtyard. No, it wasn’t an actual goat — it was a band. But they did have a goat of sorts:

They also had regular human band members.

David C. Bloom & Friends were at the clocktower gazebo. This is NOT David C. Bloom:

This is NOT David C. Bloom:

This IS David C. Bloom!

Down in the clocktower courtyard, this young boy was using the fountain to beat the heat.

The Bob Skon Trio was at the Glazier Building.

From Grace was by the courthouse.

The Sounds & Sights Festival is this weekend. In addition to the usual Thursday night entertainment, there will be other events through Saturday evening, including music in the social tent, an art market, and a car show. The full schedule is here.

(There are a few more photos from Thursday, but I think they deserve their own post, so look for those tomorrow.)