Sounds & Sights Festival Car Show: 25 July 2014

The Sounds & Sights Festival included a classic car show. The show drew a good crowd.

The Dorkestra was providing music for the car show, and they enjoyed some audience participation.

My dad worked more than 30 years in the auto industry, and he enjoys a good classic car. He owned a Triumph a few decades ago, and thanks to a local acquaintance who had his Spitfire on display, my dad got to sit in a Triumph once again. (The Spitfire isn’t the model my dad owned, but it’s still a Triumph.)

He was pleased.

Thanks for opening your car for us, Gary!

Elsewhere in the show, we found the same model he owned a few decades ago.

It’s not often you see this on a car:

Why does a car have a watercraft registration number on it? Well, because it IS a watercraft. That’s an Amphicar, an amphibious car built in the 1960s. As the current registration sticker shows — and as the sign on the windshield stated — the owners still take it in the water! (An image search for Amphicar will turn up marvelous photos of Amphicars in and out of the water. It’s worth a few minutes of your time.)