How much aluminum could an aluminumchuck chuck?

A few weeks ago, the New York City Council chose to ban aluminum bats in high school baseball, saying a move back to wood bats would make the game safer; more recently, the Detroit Free Press decided to run a story with local opinion on the topic of aluminum bats. And for that story, they happened to contact a very familiar baseball coach:

Chelsea baseball coach Wayne Welton, who has been coaching for 30 years, wouldn’t mind switching to wooden bats.

Welton’s preference for wood bats wasn’t a surprise to me, but I was interested to note that he does not consider it a safety issue.

“I just think that so many kids get a false sense that they’re pretty good hitters using that big barrel of the metal bat,” Welton said.


“If we used wood bats, we would develop better hitters,” he said.

And he has one other problem with aluminum bats:

“That ‘ping’ sound makes me cringe today,” he said. “I’d much rather hear the crack of the wood, myself.”

Welton’s quotes also made an appearance at the end of a Freep article concerning the likelihood of a similar ban in Michigan.

(If the Freep links are cantankerous, try reading the stories here and here.)