The early spring sports season continued with lacrosse — one of my newer favorite sports — in Dexter.
The Dexter boys faced Belleville:
Notice the placement of the Belleville stick in the next two photos…
…and insert the Urkel “Did I do thaaaat?” catchphrase here.
The Dexter lacrosse program is pretty good, while the Belleville lacrosse program is…uh…decidedly not pretty good. The Belleville goalie was fiercely competitive, so the frequent and abundant Dexter goals served to make him more and more frustrated as the game wore on. Eventually, with the score badly lopsided and a Dexter player running in on a breakaway, the goalie found a way to take out his frustration…by leveling the Dexter player on the breakaway.
The Dexter player still scored — he managed to shoot the ball before the goalie reached him — but he certainly paid for the goal.
At the same time, the Dexter girls lacrosse team was playing Salem.
(As an aside: who decided the Rocks mascot should go to Salem? As a mascot, it makes sense only when attached to Plymouth. The Plymouth Rocks is a great name. The Salem Rocks? That makes no sense.)