Photo of the Now, vol. 179

A couple months ago, several CHS musicians were honored at the state level.  The Standard put together an article about the musicians and their accomplishments, and Editor Terry asked me to shoot portraits of each of the musicians to accompany the article.

My first victi…uh, subject was Viktor, a cellist.  For his session, we decided to take advantage of an open field behind his house; he sat down on a chair in the middle of the field and started playing, I started shooting, and we ended up with the shots you’re about to see.  And, as a bonus, I got to spend most of the session listening to beautiful cello music in the great outdoors on a perfect Michigan spring day.

Viktor (15 April 2009)

Photo of the Now, vol. 175

On Saturday, the Chelsea Retirement Community — or, as any self-respecting Chelsea old-timer would call it, the Methodist Home — undertook a formidable task: it replaced every last one of its incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs in an effort to cut its energy consumption.  How formidable was this task?  Well, while it’s fairly simple to unscrew one light bulb and screw in another, it’s a bit less simple to do that for more than 2,200 bulbs.  The newspaper wanted a few pictures, so I joined the fun for an hour to document the laborious undertaking.

Light bulb changing (4 April 2009)