This Week in Chelsea Sports Photography: 1 June – 7 June

Tuesday: Soccer
Chelsea defeated Stevensville Lakeshore. As is immediately obvious in the pictures, the game was played on a football field, which meant the football sidelines — very wide, very bright white lines about five feet inside the soccer boundaries — were immensely distracting (and the end zones didn’t really help, either). While I understand the practical necessity of a multi-use field, I don’t think soccer and football are a good mix: a football field is cluttered with lines and numbers (and now, with the growing popularity of artificial turf, midfield and end zone graphics) all over the place, while a soccer field is quiet and clean. Football on a soccer field would be fine, but soccer on a football field is just hard on the eyes.

So, to all the schools with dedicated soccer facilities: thank you.

(Full gallery.)

Saturday: Soccer
In a game moved from Friday due to a tornado watch, Chelsea’s season was ended by Portage Northern.

And, with the season coming to a close deep in the playoffs, I got the usual set of photos I’d rather not get.

(Full gallery.)