Photo of the Chelsea House Orchestra Now: 11 February 2012

The outstanding Chelsea House Orchestra had its annual Hometown Show.

Before we get into the show itself, I have to share with you this photo:

That’s how they had the curtain lit early in the show, and when I spotted it I thought it would make a cool photo. Uh…yeah, it did.

Anyway. On to the music!

The show started with the middle school musicians getting all musical and such.

Next up was CrossBow, a celtic group featuring students from Grand Valley State University. How’d they end up on stage in Chelsea? Several of the band’s members are former CHO members.

When they were done, CHO took the stage.

Later in the show, they invited the fifth grade musicians to join them on stage for a couple songs. It brought back memories of my (rightly) short-lived career as a violinist in sixth grade. But unlike me, these kids did a great job.

They got high fives from the director on their way off the stage.

If you’ve never been to the CHO Hometown Show, you’re missing out — the shows are a lot of fun. I mean, I’d encourage you to catch any one of their shows, but the Hometown Show is especially fun.

Photo of the Rivalryball Game Now, Boys’ Edition: 10 February 2012

With the Chelsea/Dexter girls game concluded, the boys took the court to warm up for the second game of the evening. As the players were warming up, the student sections were preparing for their work.

What happens every year, you might be wondering? Well, here’s a hint: that’s a football player wearing the shirt. Also, the front of the shirt declared the number of Chelsea’s consecutive wins over Dexter in football. The quote appeared in the newspaper after the most recent meeting of the teams, but it wasn’t spoken to my editor as a response to a question. Instead, it was bellowed in the end zone — and within earshot of my editor — after a Chelsea touchdown.

As usual, the student sections were packed for the game.

The game started out well, but…it got lopsided. That’s all I’ll say about that.

The Chelsea students had a special plan for this particular game. If you’ve ever heard of Taylor University’s Silent Night, then you’re familiar with the plan. If not…watch this video. Seriously, watch it now. It’s one of the great traditions in sports. (Quick summary: the students pack the gym and dress in crazy costumes but remain silent until Taylor scores its 10th point, at which time they erupt. It’s fantastic. WATCH THE VIDEO.)

I didn’t shoot video of Chelsea’s Silent Night — I was shooting photos, you know — but it was a lot of fun.

Meanwhile, Dexter’s student section was up to its usual shenanigans.

As I mentioned, the game became a bit lopsided, so there wasn’t suspense like there was in the girls game. However, Dexter’s win gave them a sweep both of the varsity doubleheader and of the boys season series, so the Dreadnaughts were excited about that.

I posted the following photo on twitter with this statement: “This is a good photo. I hate it.”

Professionally, I like that photo. But personally…well, as a Chelsea guy I can’t stand seeing Chelsea lose to Dexter.

Photo of the Rivalryball Game Now, Girls’ Edition: 10 February 2012

The Dexter varsity basketball teams traveled to Chelsea for another varsity doubleheader. Like last time, the girls played first.

When last we saw these teams face each other, both girls teams were undefeated, and Chelsea walked away with a hard-fought victory. The second time around, Chelsea was still undefeated, but Dexter was coming off another loss. Still, a great deal of excitement surrounded the game.

The Chelsea student section got all social media-y with its sign:

Who is #gracemartin?

That’s #gracemartin.

Unlike the perpetually close game at Dexter, Chelsea managed to build a 10-point lead in the second half. However, Dexter found a way not just to close the gap, but to claim the lead as time wound down in the fourth quarter.

With a slim one-point lead, Dexter coach Mike Bavineau tried a different approach to exhorting his defense:

He was slapping the floor and yelling instructions or encouragement or something. I couldn’t understand what he was yelling, but I’m reasonably confident it wasn’t “I THINK (slap) WE SHOULD (slap) STOP FOR (slap) ICE CREAM AFTER (slap) THE GAME, OKAY?  (slap) I REALLY SHOULD (slap) GET HOME AND (slap) FINISH MY TAXES, BUT (slap) ICE CREAM SOUNDS GOOD (slap) RIGHT NOW.” It’s very likely he was yelling something very useful and coachy.

Despite his exhortation, the Dexter defense ceded a basket and the lead with under a minute to play. The Chelsea students were excited.

Their excitement was soon tempered by a Dexter basket with only a few seconds left to play. Chelsea found itself with one last shot to win, but this time the Dexter defense paid heed to Coach Bavineau’s slaps and held firm.

And, having brought an end to Chelsea’s bid for an undefeated season, there was much rejoicing.

Yes, much rejoicing.

Ah, but the evening was only half done: the boys took the court next. Come back Wednesday for those photos.

Photo of the Fire-Breathing Hockey Now: 7 February 2012

Chelsea hockey welcomed Lake Orion to town. It’s important to note that the Orion part of Lake Orion is pronounced OR-ee-un, and not o-RY-un like the constellation. Please adjust your mental pronunciation accordingly. If you’re reading this out loud to your loved ones, you may adjust your verbal pronunciation as well. Also, please tell your loved ones I say hi.

As you might expect, Lake Orion features a lake named Orion. Yes, that makes it the War of 1812 of town names. Come on, be nice. Anyway, LO also boasts a GM manufacturing plant and a mansion on whose grounds Amelia Earhart flew an experimental glider in 1929. Oh…and one more thing. Lake Orion has a dragon.

That’s the seriously wonderful Lake Orion High School Dragon logo on the shoulder of the hockey jersey. (Is that BLOOD dripping from its mouth? TELL ME IT’S BLOOD.) As a fan of meaningful and unusual high school mascots and logos, this one caught my eye right away. What I didn’t know until later is that there’s a story behind the mascot. From the town’s Wikipedia page:

The story of the Lake Orion Dragon says that sometime in the 1800s a group of local kids played a prank by building a fake dragon and launching it out in the lake. A number of people saw it and soon Lake Orion was known for its dragon. There are a number of stories around about who made it and how they built it but it is widely agreed that it was a prank.

Obviously the dragon is significant enough in the town’s lore to have become the high school’s mascot. That’s fantastic. Well done, Lake Orion.

Anyway: the Dragons showed up to play some hockey. Lake Orion has a solid hockey program, so the expectation was that it’d be a tough game. Indeed, that was the case.

It was clear from the beginning that Lake Orion is a very good team…but Chelsea isn’t exactly frozen liver, so the game stayed close. This made it hard on me: I like to alleviate the stress of a close game by talking to myself a little bit, but because I was sharing the Lake Orion penalty box with their backup goalie and standing right next to their bench, I had to keep my talking quiet and nonpartisan. That can be difficult — especially at moments like this:

I did keep quiet, though. I’m a professional. (When I need to be.)

Sometimes the goalpost is a goalie’s best friend. Sometimes…like this time:

Goalie shots like this can be a fun hockey version of Where’s Waldo in which you look for the puck:

Chelsea managed to find a couple goals in the third period:

Those goals propelled Chelsea to victory over Lake Orion.

Photo of the Itty-Bitty Hockey Players Now: 1 February 2012

Okay, just one last post from this hockey game. We covered the game itself and the unexpected physics lesson in the third period, but we haven’t yet covered perhaps the best part of the game: the itty-bitty hockey players who entertained the crowd between periods.

Tiny hockey players are wonderful. If you’ve never had the chance to watch kids skate, you’ve missed out. Do you think puppies are cute? HA! They can’t hold a candle to miniature hockey players. That’s partly because puppies don’t have opposable thumbs, but it’s also because they’re not as wonderful as kids on skates.

The entertainment after the first period featured a penalty shot exhibition.

The entertainment after the second period featured perhaps the most chaotic hockey game I’ve ever seen. They dropped the puck and let all the kids play at once. There had to be 20-30 kids chasing the puck!

A number of the kids stuck around for the third period, when they got to see a hit shatter a pane of glass. You can bet at least some of those kids went home more excited than ever about hockey.

Photo of the Did I Do Thaaaaaaat? Now: 1 February 2012

At the end of the last post I promised more photos from the Chelsea/Woodhaven hockey game. You promised to be suitably excited. (Yes you did. Don’t argue.) I’m fulfilling my promise. Are you?

Midway through the third period the game was heating up with some good action and a few solid hits. One particular hit brought the entire game to a halt. How? Well…here, take a look. I think you’ll figure it out.

That’s not a pile of diamonds dropped by some swashbuckling pirate who found himself confined in the penalty box, largely because diamond-carrying pirates don’t play hockey, you weirdo. No, those are the remains of the pane of glass — okay, fine, plexiglass — that shattered when a fine gentleman from Woodhaven gently nudged a fine gentleman from Chelsea into the glass. The fine gentleman from Woodhaven was censured by the authorities because he was a bit dilatory in the execution of his wallop, but there was a more pressing matter to be dealt with: there was a gaping hole where once there had been a pane of glass.

As the teams headed to the locker rooms, the first matter of business was to clean up that mess.

Yes, that mess. Cleanup involved several helpful folks.

It also involved shovels.

Even the man known as the Bulldog Clock Guy, the scoreboard operator for home Chelsea hockey games, pitched in.

Once the broken glass was out of the way, replacement glass arrived by special courier.

When the ref arrived with the glass, the other ref blew his whistle and penalized him for delay of pane. (That didn’t happen. But if it had, he would have been my favorite ref of all time.)

The crew started to install the glass…

…but soon discovered it was the wrong size: it was too large. Off they went to find another pane. Again they began to set the glass in place…

…and again they discovered it was the wrong size: it was too small. If my memories of children’s literature serve me right, the next pane should be juuuuuuust right. Right?

Oh, look! Here it comes now!

The crew again put the glass in place…

And…hey! It fit! It was filthy, but it fit.

If this had been a kids book, it would have been called Stripeyshirt and the Three Panes.

Stripeyshirt tried the first pane of glass.

“This pane is too big!” he exclaimed.

So he tried the second pane of glass.

“This pane is too small,” he said.

So, he tried the last pane of glass.

“Ahhh, this pane is just right,” he said happily and he fixed it in place.

With the mess cleaned up and the replacement glass (finally) in place, the game resumed. If you didn’t see the previous post and you’re wondering how the game concluded, go do that now before I hold you in contempt of blog.

(Programming note: there’s one more set of photos from this game. Trust me, you’re going to want to come back for that post.)

Photo of the Actually Playin’ Hockey Now: 1 February 2012

Woodhaven hockey traveled to Chelsea to play some hockey. What’s Woodhaven, you might be asking? Well, it’s one of the towns in the hockey-loving area commonly known as Downriver. Aside from having a high school and a hockey team, Woodhaven is home to the Ford stamping plant. (Contrary to popular belief, a stamping plant does not produce angry toddlers and teenagers. It also doesn’t apply stamps to envelopes.)

When you shoot enough hockey in one place, you start to recognize the referees. I always recognize this one…

…in part because he has an especially enjoyable “Yeah, yeah, I hear you, but you’re wrong” face when the coaches and/or players start complaining.

Chelsea has an official athletics twitter feed that provides schedule and score updates. During this game I acquired ACTUAL FOOTAGE of the twitter feed being updated. Look at the gentleman on the right side of these three photos. You’ll see him pull his phone out of his pocket in order to post the score update to twitter.

Many area schools now have twitter feeds providing sports updates. It’s a great use of twitter. If you’re so inclined, you can follow Chelsea athletics at @ChelseaBulldogs.

Chelsea scored a lot of goals in this game. Here’s another one:

But it wasn’t all sunshine, roses, and Pepsi Throwback for the Bulldogs. In this case, one Bulldog not only ended up in his own net, but also had a penalty called against him. He did not agree with the call.

The game had an abundance of penalties. At one point the teams were playing 3-on-3 hockey and the scoreboard looked like this:

But Chelsea kept scoring anyway.

Did Chelsea win? Well, here. This photo might answer your question:

You may have noticed the post title is a little different from other hockey posts. That’s because there were two other notable events that occurred during this game, each of which deserves its own post. Those will be up next. Are you excited? Of course you are!

Photo of the Wacky Winter Olympics Now: 27 January 2012

The two Chelsea elementary schools — North School and South School, and don’t let anyone tell you they have different names, because they’re wrong — have a friendly competition to see which school can eat more servings of fruits and vegetables. At the end of the competition, the students are rewarded with the Wacky Winter Olympics, in which the teachers compete against each other in a collection of games that are — as the title suggests — wacky.

The Wacky Winter Olympics bring the entire Chelsea elementary school population together in one gym. Chelsea is a small town, but it still has a lot of kids.

When you pack that many kids into a small gym and get them excited about a competition, there’s one inevitable result: NOISE. After enduring last year’s bedlam I told myself I’d bring earplugs next time. This was next time. Guess what I forgot?

The kids made signs to support their schools.

This particular sign was my favorite:

It says “Go North Creek, Helho South Metos, Get a tayst of us.” Were that a sign written by a high schooler, it would be sad. But since it’s a sign written by a young elementary school student, it’s just plain wonderful.

(If case you’re having trouble with the lexicon of youth, here’s the deciphered sign: “Go North Creek, Hello South Meadows, Get a taste of us.” North Creek and South Meadows are the names some would insist applying to the schools. However, as with the Methodist Home and the old high school, we longtime Chelsea residents know better.)

If you doubt the noise level in the gym that day, the student at the bottom left of this photo should convince you:

The wackiness began with a beanbag toss.

The students were ecstatic when the North teachers won the first event.

The next event involved a basketball and plenty of intensity.

After that came my personal favorite. I can’t remember what it’s called, but it involves one teacher pushing another on small carts.

This event also featured plenty of intensity.

Every time I see that photo, I hear Braveheart’s “FREEDOM!” in my mind. Except She’s a teacher, so maybe she’d be yelling “LEARNING!” or something.

That’s my brother doing the pushing in the above photo.

The next event had teachers catching footballs in laundry baskets.

Then the teachers found a fascinating way to carry balloons.

Between events, the Beach Middle School principal helped get the wave started.

Then the teachers started dragging each other around on blankets.

Here’s my brother again:

Hey, I reserve the right to exercise nepotism. If you have a problem with it, I’ll take unflattering pictures of you.

Since this was the fruit and veggie challenge, it seemed appropriate that at least one of the events involve fruit or veggies. How about bowling with cantaloupes? Yeah, that works.

The final event featuring all the teachers was the ever-popular tug of war.

To conclude the Wacky Winter Olympics, the principals and PE teachers teamed up for a few challenges. To make it more fun, they dressed up as fruits and veggies.

One of the challenges involved stacking cups as high as possible within the time limit. The grape team created an impressively high wall of cups.

South ended up with more servings of fruits and veggies, but North ended up winning the olympics.

With the Wacky Winter Olympics concluded, the teachers got their sportsmanship on with a handshake line.

Photo of the Hockey Now: 21 January 2012

While Saline was playing on one of the Ice Cube’s rinks, Chelsea was over on another rink playing Ann Arbor Huron. The Saline game ended early due to the mercy rule, so I made it to the other rink in time to see the third period of the Chelsea game.

Before the third period could begin, the refs had to fix a blemish on the resurfaced ice. Anthony kept an eye on their progress.

When the third period began, Chelsea was leading Huron 2-0. That didn’t last long. On paper the teams weren’t evenly matched, and after two periods of close play, the paper came to life. Chelsea scored early and often.

Like I said, early and often. Oh, here’s another goal:

The hockey mercy rule is an eight-goal differential after two periods, and maybe halfway through the third — if that — Chelsea scored its sixth goal of the period to bring the game to an early end.

Photo of the Wrestling Now: 21 January 2012

Chelsea hosted a wrestling match gathering meet party competition soiree game thing. I apologize: I’m not hip to the language of wrestling. I like the sport of wrestling, but I’m not around it enough to know the lingo. Several schools got together on a Saturday and wrestled for a while. Can I call that a wrestlemania, or will I get sued? Ah, who cares:

Chelsea hosted a wrestlemania (but not THAT Wrestlemania).

If you’ve never been a wrestling spectator, there’s one important truth you need to know: there’s lots of yelling.

Yeah, the spectators do some yelling, too, but most of it comes from the coaches. They yell instructions.* Most of the instructions sound like they’re intended to bring some sort of pain or humiliation to the opponent. This is an actual phrase yelled by an actual coach: “Push his head down!” This resulted in the wrestler’s pushing his opponent’s face into the mat. Which…well, I guess that’s cool as long as he didn’t plan to use that face at some point in the future.

*(Okay, let me clarify: good wrestling coaches yell instructions. There once was a wrestling coach who kept yelling “Just wrestle!” Let’s just say it wasn’t effective coaching.)

Here’s another important truth of wrestling: at some point somebody’s body will bend in a way it really shouldn’t.

Wrestlers will talk about leverage and other noble-sounding notions, but to my novice eyes, it looks like a wrestler’s goal is simply to bend his opponent in strange ways so as to convince him to pin himself in order to avoid pain. It’s almost like a self-defense class that turned into a sport.

For the record, the position in the above photo resulted in a stoppage immediately after I took the photo. A good wrestler will turn his opponent into a pretzel, but the refs are careful to make sure the pretzel doesn’t get injured.